
1 year ago

Can Inery Help Traditional Businesses And How?


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Traditional businesses have become data driven, but now that’s causing a whole new set of headaches and fears - from privacy concerns to data manipulation and hijacking - which is where Inery steps in.

It’s hard to find just one specific pain point of the current data management infrastructure, as institutions, organizations, and businesses are rapidly becoming data-driven. However, the most prevalent ones include data breaches, privacy concerns, a growing need for big data management, data manipulation and control. 

As the entire world gradually moves their physical lives online, to the metaverses and web3, it cannot be stressed enough the vital role a mature infrastructure will play in the impending revolution. Inery’s high-performance capabilities and unmatched security make it well-suited for a variety of use cases in diverse industries, in the conventional and web3 spaces, and in the physical world.

INERY x Private Power

With Private Power, the main trick is not in the electricity they produce and sell, but in the data they generate, use, and store. 

Management of this data can be complex, and can often be a challenge having a negative effect on the company’s performance and productivity. 

For private power companies, proper management of the system data and transactional data is of utmost importance. Add to that the recent drastical increase in data generation, and you realize a secure, fast, and reliable data system is a must for these companies in order to prevent power outages, data hijacking, or data loss. 

Inery decentralized data system checks all the boxes, and with Inery’s language tower, ensures that every segment of a Power company can utilize one solution, while staying attack-resistent, securely decentralized and safe from single-point-of-failure scenarios.

INERY x Government Sector

It is the responsibility of a state to protect its citizens. However, the way data is handled in centralized storage has deterred government agencies from fulfilling their duty to the people. The numerous data breaches, data manipulation, and data loss incidents can attest to the challenges these outdated legacy systems can suffer.

Inery can play a vital role in ensuring that user data is always protected using its distributed and decentralized data management system. In addition, government agencies can adopt Inery in streamlining processes and provide compliance in credential management, land registration, and digital identities, while ensuring transparency and security of the operations. Inery’s immutability feature will provide a layer of trust and accountability, hence, eliminating loopholes to engage in fraudulent activities and manipulation.

INERY x Financial Institutions

Inery enables interoperability between verticals, which can be useful in creating trust between third-party entities and enabling information transfer. This may lead to cooperation between financial institutions, which would make the traditional banking sector a more trusted middleman. In return, users with verifiable digital identities can access financial services, reducing the divide between the banked and the unbanked.

Consequently, Inery integrates blockchain properties with distributed database synergies to provide secure database management for banks. IneryDB also streamlines financial processes like asset issuance and management, asset trading, and document access, control, and tracking, while maintaining high performance and low transaction fees.

INERY x Ecommerce

Inery’s decentralized database enables merchants and developers to build and deploy applications on top of the blockchain. By hosting their applications on top of Inery, the apps inherit a combination of decentralization, owner-controlled assets, and immutability features and the low network latency and complex search query functionalities of the system. These features ensure the trust of businesses or online merchants while giving them access to complete control, compliance, security, and transparency in their dealings. Hence, the end-users with verifiable identities can buy and sell products and services without fear of fraud or blackmails. Businesses can manage and track their assets with access to

Inery is influencing a new dawn of data ownership and management, and the rise of a different economy. While providing a sturdy backbone for web3, Inery is positioned to serve different industries, including governments, businesses, real estate, gaming, healthcare, etc. to meet their threshold and scale.

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