
2 years ago

Inery's LevelUP Contest


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To celebrate our upcoming milestone of Inery public testnet release and to reward our most loyal community members, we have come up with a level up contest that will grant our community the access to airdrops, exclusive benefits, rewards, and more.

We are implementing a level-up contest on our social media channels that will give you a chance to access different rewards once you surpass the milestone levels (5,10,15,20).

How does it work?

Inery is coming up with a bunch of fun activities including quizzes, games, and learn-to-earn campaigns that will provide you more insights on our web3 vision. Participating in each activity will reward you with XP points that are needed for reaching higher ranks in the level up contest. If you unlock these ranks, you will be rewarded for your participation.

What kind of activities can you expect?

Here’s a glimpse of the activities that you can expect in order to gain XP points and level up in the contest:

  • Like, RT, and share Inery’s milestone tweets

  • Participate in AMAs on Twitter Spaces and Discord

  • Learn-to-earn activities on Discord

  • Engage in fun activities like games on Telegram

  • Test your general trivia knowledge with quizzes on Discord

& many more.

Are there any rules?

To make this an engaging and elevating experience for our Inerians, here are some rules:

  • No Spamming or FUD or your XP will be deducted.

  • Respect mods and the community

  • No foul language

  • Make sure to follow all our social media channels in order to qualify for the campaign.

How do I participate in any activity?

All activities that give you a chance to gain XP points and level-up will be posted on our social media channels. So make sure that you follow our channels to stay updated and don’t miss a chance to level up.

Rewards for milestone levels will be announced soon.

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to modify the XP gaining rate in the future in order to better reflect the community engagement and keep it balanced.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Telegram Ann | LinkedIn | Discord | Reddit | Instagram


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