
2 years ago

Inery’s Peer-to-Peer Network


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The peer-to-peer database represents nodes distributed across the world. This allows users to store, transmit and compute data locally or remotely.

A peer-to-peer terms of service agreement is a binding contract between the users who sign it. It is also referred to as the “constitution”.

Every transaction broadcasted on the Inery network must include the hash of the constitution. It is a part of the signature and thereby explicitly binds the signer to the contract. The constitution also defines the source code protocol and its human-readable intent. This intent is used to guide the community on the fixes after it identifies the difference between a bug and a feature when certain errors occur.

The Inery software enables blockchains to establish such a contract between the users. Other mutually accepted rules need to be established as well. Still, the content of this constitution defines obligations among the users. These obligations cannot be completely imposed by the code. Also, it assists the progress of dispute resolution by establishing jurisdiction and choice of law.

About Inery

Inery is the first-ever decentralized database management and blockchain solution with the vision to enable a new paradigm for data. The platform activates an upgradeable way of accessing data by combining blockchain technology functionalities such as immutability, security and user-controlled data assets with distributed database management properties such as low latency and complex queries. Its layer-1 blockchain enables cross-chain interoperability, scalability and an environmentally sustainable network to support the deployment of decentralized applications.

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